- Patrick Brown, a.k.a. "@brownbarrie", was forced to resign as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario after reportedly committing sexual misconduct against two young women, one of whom worked for him.
- Years of rumours about Brown's lecherous propensities.
- When the sexual misconduct story broke, Brown's staff resigned en masse (because, you know, they clearly thought the story was false).
- Brown was kicked out of the PC caucus. AND
- Brown was accused of falsely inflating PC party membership numbers.
And Phil has kept the tweet posted even AFTER:
- Brown is being investigated by the Integrity Commissioner for failing to declare rental income on his home.
- Brown allegedly took his 23-year-old intern/girlfriend (*BROWN IS ALMOST FORTY YEARS OLD*) on a trip to India and other countries without disclosing the gifted trips, and on the pretext that she was a staffer.
- There are real questions about a possible (?) $375,000 payment to Brown from a guy who wanted to be a PC candidate... a payment that could be for a number of reasons but none of them seem legitimate.
Phil- what if one of these young women was someone you knew personally, maybe even someone you were related to, and you heard she was being taken advantage of by her boss. A boss who was stone sober and got her extremely drunk and then tried to have sex with her. Would you be "proud to support" that man? ... ... UNREAL
We were softening on you after your nice gesture reaching across the aisle to bid adieu to Brant's MP. But maybe you only know how to be nice to other men. Cya.