Phil McColeman regularly sends out taxpayer-funded flyers about how tough he is on crime. Yet in the next breath, he advocates scrapping the long-gun registry in a letter to the editor.
The police consult that registry 8,600 TIMES PER DAY while fighting crime.
These long-guns are the weapons used in the majority of shooting murders in Canada, including 85% of domestic shootings. These long-guns are the majority of weapons seized by police in relation to crimes.
Yes, the long-gun registry is very expensive. But it keeps us safer from gun-wielding criminals. The next time Phil McColeman tells you he's tough on crime, tell him he's a liar.
Unfortunately, I don't think domestic violence, violence against women and children, gun registry, gun control and anti-violence are within Mr. M's expertise.
Due to his strong educational background (by that I mean minimal) and his outstanding ability to successfully run a business (by that, I mean failed business), he is only skilled in the art of buying votes, ensuring his gun-toting buddies at the country club can go hunting on weekends, and forgetting the harsh realities of domestic violence and the lives that are torn by massacres directly linked to easy access to rifles.
I think it's time Mr. M take a seat after his long hard days, and watch "Polytechnique" and endure the fear and destruction resulting from a long gun rifle. Perhaps he might change his mind about rifles?
Or not.
Since when does having guns registered reduce crime? The handgun registry has existed since 1934 and last I checked there is still criminals using handguns. Maybe you should read the real stat's at Statistics Canada instead of relying on lobbyist group information
As unfortunate as the most recent OPP shooting was, how did the registry prevent this? According to the magical registry the OPP knew Fred Preston had firearms... Unfortunately for Officer Pham (RIP) it didn't help much...
As for Officer Pham, RIP. My heart goes out to your family.
The gun registry simply sucks up resources that could actually do real good. It's saved no-one. Ever. How could it?
Canadians who care about crime, women and violence are demanding an end to the wasteful program and its' about time.
Those who prefer symbols over substance may like the registry, but it does no good whatsoever.
Every sentence and point in this blog has already been proven false.Someone needs to do more research before posting junk science and trying to pass it off as reality.Canadians are tired of the same old lines and are now taking people to task who spout the same old disproven crap.
Aren't we all glad the registry saved Anastasia at Dawson College? Wait a minute, the gun that killed her was registered, so what did it do?
Oh, please. Not this old tripe again. Go to Stats Canada and read the reports on homicide. There is a trend of decreasing homicide since 1977 that is unmodified by the stringent 1998 legislation (Bill C-68). Current gun control has been ineffective in reducing crime and ten years of evidence prove it.
You can check the firearms registry a million times a day. Activity does not equal effectiveness.
Registries are useless bureaucracy. Effective gun control comes from licensing with background checks and proper safety training. You're either trusted to own firearms and use them properly or not. Carrying on about the numbers, types, barrel lengths, calibers etc, etc, is mindless bureaucracy which has nothing to do with enhanced public safety.
"McColeman regularly sends out taxpayer-funded flyers about how tough he is on crime. Yet in the next breath, he advocates scrapping the long-gun registry in a letter to the editor."
So, what's your point? The LGR has nothing to do with criminals. Criminals don't register their guns.
"The police consult that registry 8,600 TIMES PER DAY while fighting crime."
No they don't. Automatic 'hits' don't count as queries by the police. Get your facts straight.
"These long-guns are the weapons used in the majority of shooting murders in Canada, including 85% of domestic shootings. These long-guns are the majority of weapons seized by police in relation to crimes."
Wow, truly clueless! I suggest you look at the stats again and show me how registered long guns are the majority of crime guns.
"Yes, the long-gun registry is very expensive. But it keeps us safer from gun-wielding criminals."
How exactly does it keep anyone safe? How does a piece of paper stop a woman from snapping and using her registered rifle to kill her husband? How does it stop criminals from using their unregistered guns?
Stop spewing the anti-gun lobby lies and use some rational thought.
Hey everyone, I've followed-up this post with another, reiterating my position. See http://dumpphil.blogspot.com/2010/05/phil-mccoleman-soft-on-crime-pt-2.html
You can also check out this handy reference guide to truths and myths about the firearms registry: http://www.truthsandmyths.ca/top-10-myths.html
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